The readings on this page were offered as part of the DOWNTOWN SALON, a series of four conversations about Women Art and Activism. The series was made possible by the Penn Highlands Community Engagement programming and the hospitality of ArtHouse6 in Johnstown PA.
“Judith” is a chapter from “Feminism and Art History: Questioning the Litany” by Broude and Garrard. In this chapter, Garrard entails the subtelties of the discussion we started last night. If you’d like to know more about the story of Artemisia Gentileschi and the heroic/monumental women in her paintings.
Seven Stepping Stones is reading for next week’s salon on June 14.
The Triple Negation of Colored Women Artists by Adrian Piper, orginally published in Next Generation: Southern Black Aesthetic, 15–22. Winston-Salem, N.C.: Southeastern Center for Contemporary Art, 1990.
The Name of the Game is reading for next week’s salon on June 21.
WJT Mitchell and B Kruger is suggested reading for our next salon on Monday, June 28. please post your thoughts to the fb group, if you want to share them in advance of our meeting.